Wednesday, March 8, 2023

11th house

 11th house is called labasthana or house of profits . If 11th House is strong one will have more gains than the efforts he puts . It is also for elder brother or sister . If this is afflicted relationship with elder brother will get afflicted . If 11th lord is in 12th then one may have to more efforts for success . In astavarga if 11th house has more parals than in 10th he can do the business successfully .

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

How to Judge a dasa will do good or not ?

 There are Natural benefic planets Jupiter , Venus and Moon . Mercury cannot be classified as benefic or malefic . It depends on the association . 

For example one goes through Jupiter dasa . he belongs to Magara lagna . Jupiter comes as 3rd and 12th lord which is not good . But if it is not afflicted and placed in a good position then we can predict dasa is going to be good . But if it is associated with malefics the results will be mixed . 

We need to basically see the lord ownerships of the planet 

1,4,7,10 Lords generally do good

same in the case of trikona lords that is 1,5,9 

6,8,12 lords normally does bad . But again it is subjected to other things too 

ஒருவருக்கு சுக்கிர தசை என்பதற்காக அவருக்கு நல்லதே நடக்கும் என்று சொல்லிவிட முடியாது . சுக்கிரன் கெட்டிருந்தாலோ நீசம் அடைந்து 6,8,12 இல் மறைந்தாலோ  பிரச்னை தான் வரும்

10th House பத்தாம் வீடு

 10th House : 

10th house is house of Karma , House of Job .  It decides one's career . It is the axis of the horoscope .

If the 10th Lord is in 6,8,12 then one may not grow in the career . 

In some cases though if 10th lord is in 6th , 8th or 12th , 10th house can be fortified or may have a planet with exaltation  

பத்தாம் வீட்டு அதிபதி 6,8,12 இல் மறைந்தாலும் பத்தாம் வீட்டில் வலுவான கிரகங்கள் இருந்தால் ஜாதகன் தொழில் வளர்ச்சியே அடையும் 

ஒரு சிலருக்கு என்ன தொழில் செய்தாலும் நஷ்டம் தான் ஏற்படும் . அவர்களின் பத்தாம் வீட்டைப் பார்க்க வேண்டும் . லக்கினாதிபதியும் தொழில் முன்னேற்றத்துக்கு முக்கியமானவர் . லக்கினாதிபதி 6,8,12 இல் மறைந்தாலோ , நீசம் அடைந்து இருந்தாலோ தொழில் முன்னேற்றம் இருக்காது . 

If 10th lord is in 11th one will get good growth in the career . 

அஷ்டவர்க்கத்தில் பத்தாம் இடத்தை விட 11 வது இடத்தில் பரல்கள் அதிகமாக இருக்க வேண்டும் 

If 9th and 10th Lord interchanged their houses it is called Dharma karmathipathi yogam . 

The Person will be interest in donating for religious causes

Monday, February 27, 2023

Kundalini Rise - Awareness post and be careful

 Kundalini Rise

What is a Kundalini ? 

Kundalini is a coiled up energy in the lower back . It can release because of excessive concentration or Excessive meditation . 

When the kundalini releases and uncontrollably rises it can make one life miserable 

The kundalini can move from moolathara and flies to Agna chakra 

This can also happen due to meditation keeping the focus on Agna chakra 

Focusing on Agna chakra and doing meditation is not the right practise 

Kundalini rise symptoms : 

1) Emotional breakout 

2) Feeling cold allover the back . Feeling like some snake is moving on back with ice cubes 

3) Spiritual visions . seeing something which one cannot see through normal eyes 

4) Fear of death due to all the above symptoms 

5) Dreams while sleeping looks like reality 

6) Vision of future 

7) Realising ones own past makes and regretting daily 

8) Difficult in getting sleep 

9) Feeling like moving out of the body and flying 

10) Not feeling legs 

This is the reason why meditation to be done with the help of a guru . Doing it on own can result in multiple issues 

This is a awareness post  to ensure the beginners to do the meditation in front of a Guru

9th house

 9th house is house of fame , position and father  . If 9th house is occupied by rahu , ketu , saturn or Mars father may die at young age . If 9th lord is afflicted then also same result happens . But these are all general combinations .Individual horoscope to be analyzed to predict things properly 

Astrology Questions

 You can put your astrological queries here . Will be answered in a day or two . Charges Applicable .