7th house indicates marriage , partner charecteristics , life of partner , business relationships , death etc .. If 9th lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in 9th one will gain wealth through his wife or husband . If 7th lord is in 11th one may get involved in more than one martiage . If 7th is occupied by Mars , Saturn, Rahu or ketu it has to be matched accordingly while matching horocope for marriage . If 7th Lord is in 5th one may get married within relation . If 7th lord is in 6th then seperation of married partner will happen . If 7th house is weak and affected by papa kartari yoga one may be cheated by his business partners . Sun and venus combination in 7th house causes kalatra dosha . Saturn and moon combination in 7th also to be studied carefully
For Astrological predictions pls send mail to shanmugavel_astrology@yahoo.com with birth details DOB, Time , Birth place
Monday, August 8, 2022
Whether Astrology is True ? Is it Scientific ?
In Many of the telivision shows astrologers are projected as Idiots and working without any logic.
But The first base of Astrology itself is astronomy . When a child is born to find out the lagna we should know the birth location is towards which star . Time of birth is another important point that astrology haters take as a point . But Astrologers correct the time based on the location . As an Engineer and who is interested in mathmatics , I will tell you , I was amazed to see the depth of calculations involved in casting a Horoscope . It was not made simply taking random numbers . When you study astrology you will understand . From marking the time to casting the horoscope , creating Navamsa and other sub charts each chart needs trmendous efforts . Longitude and Latitude of the birth place is taken into account for birth time correction . What else is required to prove the haters that astrology is scientific ?
The Problem is there are people who do not know anything about science and assume they know everything . Before criticizing Astrology or any other subject first they should study it and then start criticizing .
The current planet positions are also calculated and planets are properly positioned . Particularly during retrogression planets are moved backwards accodring to the calculation .
People who criticize let them do it . Others keep on Learning and improve their Knowledge
Sunday, August 7, 2022
6th house
6th house indicates Diseases , enemies, competition and Loan . Mars in the 6th house will make one to go for surgery atleast once in life . As it is upachaya house malefic planets in this house are good . 8th and 12th lord in 6th can create vipareetha raja yoga . 7th house is a combination of two people , 6th house which is 12th from 7th indicates seperation of two people . 6th lord in 7th or 7th lord in 6th can cause seperation of married partner . But other aspects also to be seen .
Saturday, August 6, 2022
5th house
5th house is very important house in the horoscope . It is also called purva punniyasthana . The karma whatever done in previous birth is indicated by this house . It is also called putra sthana . Affliction to this house shows the bad karmas done in the previous birth. And if the house and lord are benefically disposed one will have succesful children and ancestral properties . If 5th lord forms dhana yoga with 2nd lord will make one immensely rich . If the 5th lord is in 6th , 8th or 12th and putra karaka guru also afflicted one may not be blessed with children